Double digits of May and time to start thinking GARDEN. The seeds are purchased, the tilling will happen soon and seeds will be dropped. Optimism reigns as I look to another gardening season. Yesterday I bought the fuchsias to make up my hanging baskets for the front veranda. It is quite hard to believe that it’s that time again. Hard to believe but welcome. Meg and Caleb gave me a hanging swing chair for Mother’s Day and I sit out there looking over at the hills where buds are bursting and color is returning. Hope abounds and fills my thoughts. I dream of my first plunge into my beloved lake and look ahead to summer. Seasons and the cycle they provide speak loudly to me about the cycle of life . Dark seasons of cold and hibernation give way to seasons of heat and growth and seasons of harvest and thanksgiving.Seasons in our own lives; young love and dreaming, middle years of nuturing and building, older years of reflecting and regretting. We are excited to see Caleb and Jenna begin their dreaming and acting on their vision of a future.We enjoy the fruit of our labors with a twinge of regret at what didn’t come to be or what we’ve lost. But in all this we get to be the grandparents who love and guide , who spoil and indulge, who watch and worry. The seeds were planted so many years ago and so many factors determined the crop. But still we plant, we believe, we hope and we tend to the garden. The garden is beautiful,miraculous and a gift beyond measure.
What’s in Your Garden