It is a beautiful April day. The sun is shining and I feel optimism and hope. Today I am filled with contentment , happiness and gratitude. I look to the future with confidence as exciting changes and plans are being thought through and worked out offering vison and hope for us all. April is often that kind of month despite it being the life changing month it was for our family twenty three years ago. It is with so much gratitude I face another April and look forward to the blessings ahead. There has been nothing easy about the road we’ve been on but on it we still are. Final details are being attended to before my twelfth book as well as the tenth anniversary edition of my first one goes to print. Burton and I approach our 45th wedding anniversary stronger and wiser and more determined to keep carrying on as best we can with all we’ve been given. My heart swells with joy as it resides beside the sorrow. As one early review said of the Year Mrs. Montague Cried , despite the sorrow there is indeed a bright yellow sun behind the clouds.
What April Is