I took a break from writing a few minutes ago and looked back at some of my recent blog entries. I landed on an entry I wrote shortly after getting back from London and the Cotswold’s in April and realized I did not blog about our December trip to Ireland. I want to remedy that because I know how much I appreciate entries that take me back and would be amiss not to write something about our adventure in Ireland. Again we were tempted by the promo information Janie and Gerard provide about their amazing Go and Write Retreats. That being said I would love to sign up for almost all of the trips they have on the 2024 line up but I am saying no to them all. One particularly enticing one is full and that is a good thing. Who knows when another one I can’t refuse will come along and we’ll get on board but right now I want to remember Ireland December 2023. I won’t go in to the long story of how we finally signed up but I will say that every day we were on that retreat either Burton or I stated how glad we that we were there. One of my purchases on that trip was a colorful apron covered in sheep illustrating the four seasons of Ireland. Last night wearing it while preparing supper I thought how glad I was that I bought it when I saw it hanging in the little shop in Clifden. I did regret I hadn’t bought a second one for Rickie who loves aprons. We all have regrets , things we wish we’d done , chances we wish we’d taken. But Ireland in December of 2023 was not one of them for me. I had a wonderful time with my easy going, adventurous husband, met up with dear friends from previous Go and Write retreats, met new friends , saw amazing scenery and historical places , enjoyed beautiful Christmas lights and decor and made lasting, wonderful memories. I wrote a bit and was given inspiration and support from fellow writers. Eat the cake they say. Well I say take the trip! On this January afternoon I can travel back in my mind to Ireland because we signed up for that wonderful adventure.
What About Ireland