In the quiet moments of the morning I will write a blog entry. Paige is sleeping over at her namesake Great Aunt’s house and Emma is still sound asleep. A week from tomorrow they will be packed and ready to leave later in the day. Last night we met and had supper with the woman who will fly home with them. She is the sister of one of my sister in laws and I must say at this point she is very high on my favorite list. I can not even imagine mustering the energy to fly across the country with the girls . I am just about done in. For some reason my reserves seem lower this year. Parenting and grandparenting is not for the faint of heart. Gardening is not either. The weeds are beating me . It only stands to reason that a job that would require a minimum of ten hours a day when given a tenth of that can not be done to my liking. I may have to seriously argue for smaller gardens next year but am not confident that my pleas will be heard. Oh well. Today the girls have been invited to spend the day with neighbors and I will tackle some of those weeds . Just like the uphill battle of so much in life trying counts for something. The sunflowers keep growing upward . We have a brown bunny that keeps running out of the woods nibbling here and there . The chickens seem to like my lettuce and bugs chew holes in potato and squash plants. Nothing is as easy as we would like .Children argue , they push the limits, they stubbornly develop into their own little beings and they wear you out. Complete control and perfection is not attainable and we all need a reminder of that from time to time. Who better than a seven and four year old to teach this tired old grandmother that. And what better than to watch the progress of my row of sunflowers as they grow regardless of a weed or two.
Weeds and Wisdom