This Mother’s Day I woke to snow covered fields and trees and low single digit temperatures. But the sun was shining and I accepted what the day was to be. Burton made breakfast and Caleb brought my gift and a wonderful hug.I attended online church but came late and missed parts of it.I had a leisurely (as I do every single day) bath and was just getting dressed when my across the road grand kids and their dad showed up. They were smiling widely with mother’s day joy and a gift for Grammie.They had just left when Meg called and Paige happily offered her greetings. A nice relaxing afternoon ended with a walk. I bundled up and headed up the wood road. Burton went to the pub and picked up our pre-ordered supper . It was delicious. A quiet rather isolated Mother’s Day but nice never the less. A day to reflect on motherhood, its joys, its sorrows ,its victories and failures, its vulnerability and disappointments, its rewards and blessings.The snow is almost gone and a new day has dawned and on I go being a mother, a grandmother and living the life I have been given. As my mother used to say “just be your own sweet self”. I’m trying and will keep trying . And full disclosure my gift from Meg arrived by courier Monday afternoon.
This Mother’s Day