I used to read a picture book called This Farm is a Mess to my kids. I don’t remember the story exactly but this morning it comes to mind. Often my blog entries are upbeat and positive even when dealing with grief, disappointment or challenges. I do not feel upbeat or glass half full this morning.I advised a friend the other night to journal her days whether good or bad to put words to her feelings and also to be able to look back and see accomplishment and survival on days she wasn’t sure she could get through. I expect I’ll get through this day but in the heavy rain and dark sky everything seems nasty.I have complained about turkey poop before and turkey poop is still a problem.I know turkey poop is not life threatening, not as terrible as California fires , war torn countrysides or terminal disease but this morning turkey poop represents all that is wrong on this farm.I am often quoted saying” I can’t have nice things”. Now I do know I have many nice things, I have a loving husband , wonderful kids and grand kids, great family and friends. I have a comfortable home, work I love, food to eat and so on and so on.I can usually put the blessings in the forefront and block out the messiness of my life. But on days like this I am reminded that the mess has to be confronted sometime. Enough is enough. Keep the damn turkeys off my new verandas.
This Farm is a Mess