This time yesterday morning I was sitting outside the Partridge Island Publishing container in the vibrant Area 506 Container Village. On the table before me I displayed my thirteen titles. Three massive cruise ships were in the Saint John harbor and travelers stopped to talk. After several interactions two lovely ladies walked away with books. Fear of Drowning and the Wright Retreat went out into the world in the hands of new readers. Today I get to enjoy my favorite kind of day which is a day I get to spend in my office. In my writing journal I’ve planned my day and will set out to tick the four things off my list. Writing a blog entry was #1. I have a book club date on Sunday and will spend a few minutes preparing for that. I plan to send the manuscript for my fourteenth book to my publisher and hopefully start the ball rolling on it’s Spring release. The fourth thing on the list is one of the most exciting things about being a writer , and one of the most terrifying. I am starting a new book. I will face a blank page and write the first words, the beginning sentence and the beginning paragraph. I am in the midst of doing research for this next book which I was fortunate enough to receive a Marion Hebb Research Grant to complete. I have the bones of a story and now must find the flesh, the fat and the heart. I love the crafting , the discovery of characters and the unravelling of the story. But oh it is so daunting. Each blank page challenges my belief that I am indeed a writer. So before I begin I bask a bit in past success, I count my blessings, I push away my doubts and fears and just sit myself down to start the hard work.
The Life of a Writer