Compared to the quiet, steady, predictable pace of my weeks this week will be controlled and welcome chaos. I will be able to begin the days with my journal writing breakfast time but will need to quickly get myself in gear to rise to the expected tasks of each day. Those tasks are pleasant and welcome and planned . They have been on lists for months as I got myself prepared and did the preparations needed to bring them about. I booked the flight that will bring Meg home for her mother’s eighth book launch.I bought a dress, ordered a cake ,we booked the Legion and did whatever else needed done. Meg made the comment the other night how launch day is all about me. She might be correct on that account but a part of me would rather retreat and stay home alone knitting dish cloths and choosing shows to watch on the PVR. But I write books. I sit for long, quiet hours crafting stories and then I send them to my publisher and then my editor and I work at perfecting them and then the process results in a book. I then have to launch or send that book out into the world.So I take the books to a local venue where I am supported by friends and family.I have many wonderful memories of my previous launch nights. Driving into the farmer’s market parking lot and seeing the many cars already parked there. Former students milling about celebrating the work their teacher shared with them over the years. Friends and family members lovingly introducing me.Nervousness,laughter tears. Milk being left in the car defeating the purpose of all my careful planning. Glenda’s gift of chocolate chip cookies. Hugs and tears. Emma and Lilah tending to the technical details of the musical interludes .Chunky babies and curly haired toddlers in their mother’s arms. Getting to see Headliner for the first time when I entered the Legion already filling with people. Calvin and Robbie providing music and an atmosphere that was perfect. Butter tarts and cake, ice cream,sprinkles and toppings.Graduations, weddings, birthdays and anniversaries sharing the week with the book launch.Busy , hectic wonderful moments of exhaustion and second guessing.So today I will check my lists and make new ones. I will choose my outfit, I will clean and wash bedding. I will read aloud the selections I have chosen. I will write a bit enjoying the real reason I put myself through this. I will let this day unfold and get myself ready for the week ahead. This launch as some before will be followed by another writing event that will require me to step up and participate. In 2015 I left shortly after for the week long TD BOOK tour in Ontario. One year I went on a Hackmatack tour to Nova Scotia.Last year I traveled to Halifax to attend the Atlantic Book awards as The Memory Chair was shortlisted for the Ann Connor Brimer. WFNB’s Word Spring event takes place around book launch time. This year WordSpring takes place the day after the launch , and on Saturday night I have the honor of attending the NB Book Awards Gala with Headliner shortlisted for the Mrs. Dunster Fiction prize. Controlled and welcome chaos forcing me to leave the quiet comfort of my home and my happy solitude.The moments that seem to be all about me are so far from being all about me. They are about the people I love and who love me, the friends who carry me, the support of my publisher and editor ,the healing gifts of my wood road and of the vast sky above me, the sleepy dogs sprawled out on my office floor whose gentle breathing reminds me to breath and treasure each day.
The Calm Before the Chaos