I am sitting at my desk on this rainy ,grey March day and many thoughts percolate in my somewhat foggy brain. I love a stay home morning and the quiet solitude that allows me to unpack and process a few things. I have already listened to a few William Prince songs to continue the wonderful gift his music and his wisdom gave us last night as we sat in the joy of his Stand in the Joy tour. We were almost at the very back of the balcony in the beautiful Imperial theater but his voice was clear and beautiful as it resounded in that place. I was glad to find a Kleenex in my coat pocket as tears flowed freely down my cheeks over and over. The lyrics of one of William Prince’s songs says love gets easier and harder all the time. So does joy. Amid heartbreak , worry and struggle it sometimes seems we have to dig deep for the joy. But it is there waiting for us to recognize and acknowledge it. So through tear filled eyes this morning I look at the joy and the gifts I’ve been given on this day. “If you don’t give up when push comes to shove it gets easier and harder all the time.”
Sitting in the Joy