I just returned from a walk in the woods. This is something I try to do everyday and without exception when I do I return better for it. We have had a stretch of bitter cold weather and I only braved it to walk twice in the last two weeks.What I missed on those cold days I was given tenfold on the walk I took today. Now according to the best laid plans I am supposed to be in Alberta. Burton and I got up at 3:00 yesterday morning and drove to the airport. Our flight was not to be. At first we were put on Standby along with five other people because of a weight restriction . We waited and then were told the flight to Toronto was not going at all. Now some of the others around me were angry and I am not saying that not being angry makes me anything special but I figure people in charge of flying planes know more than I do and so for someone to make that call doesn’t seem like a personal affront to me. I believe that just being fortunate enough to afford to go visit my daughter and granddaughters is a privilege not to take lightly.I also feel that I would rather be heading home after a cancelled flight then heading into the sky in an airplane that might not be safe. Seems a given to me. Burton,the irate woman behind us or I shouldn’t be the one deciding whether the plane goes or not. So we went to bed last night expecting to leave early again this morning and fly to Montreal. I checked the flight status at 3:00 and our Montreal flight was cancelled. After calling Air Canada I was told it was because of runway issues. Again,I am not the one who should say the runway is fine because my granddaughters want to see me today. The helpful young man on the phone gave me several options and upon deciding which one worked the best for us he re-booked us. Now when I posted on FB several people made a comment that this was ridiculous. I disagree. What I think would be ridiculous would be for airlines to give in to entitled people claiming that their plans were more important than safety. So today as I walked down the beautiful snowy road in the bright sunshine and moderate temperature I couldn’t help but feel to my very core that I was exactly where I was supposed to be. We will get to Meg’s tomorrow or we won’t. I will depend on professionals making that call not me based on my desire to prevent my granddaughters from being disappointed. I think they would be a lot more disappointed if Monkey and Toad were injured or killed in an airplane crash.So I hope to travel tomorrow and will be thrilled to see Meg, Cody, Emma and Paige but today I am perfectly happy to be exactly where I find myself.
Perfectly Happy Exactly Where I Find Myself