Another Monday morning and another moment to reflect, take stock and be thankful. September is a month of beauty , of change, of harvest and so much more. One of our September traditions when the kids were young was a trip to the Gagetown Fair.The country fair of livestock, horses, tractors, produce, baking and handcrafts, rides and fairground food has basically stayed unchanged and holds the same attraction it did years ago. This year Burton and I and our friend Alice had a beautiful drive up crossing at the Evandale ferry and winding our way up the scenic river road. We thought of the low lying areas thinking of how May’s flood had impacted them. We drove by busy apple stands and orchards and upon arrival joined the crowd of fair goers milling about . We watched the Ox pull competition marveling at the strength of the massive animals and the skill of the teamsters.We greeted Chapin, Bri , Jac and the kids taking great pleasure in another generation’s enjoyment of this country fair. Anthony celebrated his birthday with two friends as they ran from ride to ride .We watched the little kids smiling ear to ear while on their rides. Alice and I walked past baking and crafts exhibits. I remember as a young bride and mother feeling challenged by similar exhibits. Yesterday I felt at a different stage , ‘a been there done that’ stage which definitely carried over when we viewed the school exhibits. I remember years ago getting art ideas and Language Arts project ideas when I looked at the student’s work. Now I look at the kid’s work more as a grandmother . Funny how the fair has stayed the same and I have changed . One thing that hasn’t changed is my desire to leave with a candy apple. Bites into the hard red candy covering the juicy apple tasted and felt just like it always did. I love that my son and his wife are now the parents taking kids by the hand and walking through the gates of the Gagetown Fair. A simple country fair stills holds an afternoon of family fun and excitement. Oh how things change and stay the same.
Off to the Fair