How quickly the months go by. Here we are arriving in October. Today a steady rain and a quiet Sunday morning brings a bit of reprieve from the busy days of September. I can only imagine how exhausted and ready for a break the Fog Lit organizing committee are. I watched from afar at several events as they kicked into gear to make things run smoothly always mindful of the next task. They juggled a large number of events and authors and pulled off an impressive festival. I was pleased to be involved . This morning I considered going to the city for Books and Brunch but let the lure of rest and solitude keep me in my housecoat having my coffee while finishing Riel’s book and contemplating what I would do with the rest of my day. I am seriously considering going into to the closing event this afternoon. I am looking ahead at a busy October. Writing related events include a book club visit , a library reading , a workshop on journaling and four market days and some writing squeezed in. I have two appointments and my parents have appointments I will drive them to. We will make one more visit to Moncton so Mom can see her sister before they leave for what is likely to be Mom and Dad’s last winter in Florida. Thanksgiving approaches and I look forward to our annual trip to Kings Landing. Outside my office window I hear the turkeys. Sadly their time is coming to an end. ‘Enjoy each day’ comes to mind and it seems I can not be reminded of that often enough. Caught up in the day by day I need mornings like this to allow that important lesson to sink in. Take in the beauty around , let my blessings sink in , find a place for my doubts and insecurities, treasure my loved ones, claim my sorrows , take a deep breath and move into the month ahead. Seems my relaxing quiet morning has an ambitious list . The rest of the day and the month will fall into place. Enjoy the here and now.
October Has Arrived