This morning I got up earlier than usual. I got up before first light because my trusty furnace keeper was on a mission to deliver turkeys and chickens and stayed in Moncton all night. The house wasn’t cold but I decided that I should start the furnace before it got cold. Usually with Burton’s attentive patrol the fire seldom gets down to coals. I am spoiled in that way since he retired. The early rising gave me the gift of sparkling light. There is something about twinkling Christmas lights in the early morning that touches my soul. The lights give me a feeling of peace, hope and anticipation. Just like the excitement of Christmas morning taking time in the early morning to just enjoy what lies ahead is a wonderful thing. Today I will make scotch cookies for Caleb and Ashlie to take to Chester. I do wish they were staying home with us just as I wish Meg, Cody and the girls were coming but I understand they are where they need to be. I will enjoy my quiet Christmas knowing that if I am blessed with more Christmases in the future, they will be filled with years when we have everyone together, when we will welcome more grandchildren and our numbers will swell. Christmases past , present and future are what I celebrate in this early morning light. I look into the light and see it all and let my heart rejoice.
Look For the Light