Another blog entry so soon? My coach will be surprised. I may be stalling, avoiding or maybe just allowing my roiling mind to simmer a bit but here goes the news of the day. When the Hill Came Down is at the printer and will be in my hands soon. I am anxious to receive it as I always am when a new book arrives. The arrival of my ninth book will not rival the excitement , joy and thrill of seeing my first book . A few days ago I sat in the same spot in the Shoppers Drug Mart parking lot that I had pulled into after having picked up my ten author copies from the post office nine years ago. I recalled ripping the box open and seeing copies of The Year Mrs. Montague Cried. I wept as I held that little book the efforts of a year of writing and the testament to the sorrow of loosing my beloved firstborn son. Such layers of joy and anguish, such accomplishment and heartache. I still hold that little book with awe , pride and gratefulness. Every book following brought its own feelings and I loved receiving them. This one has its own story ( on the page of course and in the writing process) and has its own personality.It has been a long time getting here and was interrupted by the state of the 2020 world we are living through but the wait makes it even more exciting.The launch may happen at a later date but more pressing concerns fill our thoughts and need our energy this summer. Maybe a fall launch will welcome this new book. In the meantime I will order a few and sell to interested readers. Welcome to the family, When the Hill Came Down.
It’s at the Printer!