It is a beautiful Monday morning. There is a light snow covering everything and the sun is shining brightly. There’s a lot of football talk and Lady Gaga talk on FB. Personally I don’t like football. What I did like about last night was seeing Burton, Ashlie and my boys wrapped up in watching it. After another enjoyable Sunday night supper we cleaned up, Bri went home to get an early night, four of us played Wizard and then everyone but me hunkered down to watch the Super bowl. I watched the Bushes being wheeled on to the field to do the coin toss and was given a short history of the Bush administration’s failings by my youngest son. I saw a few commercials which in my opinion is the real entertainment value of the night. I did stay up until after half time. I must say Lady Gaga has energy and she is one of a kind. I will give her that much. The over the top extravagance and cost of the production doesn’t sit right with me and the whole ‘America the great’ feel of the night leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I chose to go to bed, grab a book and escape thinking any deeper. I was robbed of my recliner and my control of the remote but I do enjoy seeing my family bond and connect rooting for the same team. ( I’m sorry they lost, I guess, although I really don’t care)
I Don’t Care for Football