I often talk about how much I value my journal and reading back previous entries on my blog. I started my writing morning with just such a look back.I went to the May entries from last year. What a gift looking back is. May 6th talked about the rhythm of our days. It took me right to the afternoon I spent walking to the brook with Dad, preparing his supper and having the privilege of sitting together for a meal. I knew at the time how valuable those days were but am happy to be reminded. I also can’t help but think of the rhythm of our 2020 May days with all we are facing this year. Last night I had a weepy spell.I had googled something leading me to something else and discovered that Tim McGraw’s daughter has an uncle named Zachary White. Seeing that name on my screen brought the tears. Perhaps I was already vulnerable from watching a sappy movie Tim McGraw was in. Soon after my daughter sent me a picture of her and two of her brothers and I lost it.My sweet dog Harley instantly comes to my side at the first sign of tears. I always feel compelled to assure her I’m OK so she can relax. Back and forth texts with Meg calmed me and re started the tears and poor Harley was up and down, back and forth to my side.Already in the writing of this entry Harley has left Paige’s room to come to my side twice. Get it together she is probably thinking. Well the blessing is that usually I do have it together and for that I am so thankful.I am anxious to get to work this morning. On my wood road walk yesterday I had an idea of where to take my story next. Yesterday I was having a crisis of confidence and felt stuck trying to get to the end of the story but not sure how to get there. What came to me was a journal shared by a woman’s daughter that answers some questions for two of the characters. We shall see how that plays out.When I say we I really mean me as I have to do the writing to make it work . I also have to believe it will work. My re reading of journals and blog entries is all about building on the belief that our days and our struggles matter and that we will get through them. I believe that next year when I read back to these days I will be given that same assurance. We can do this!
Harley the Therapy Dog