I have been busy and as my blog coach( my daughter) has repeatedly told me I have not blogged for awhile. Truth is I have not written many new words in the last couple of weeks either. I do however feel confident that I will return to my work in progress and the current characters I’ve imagined in to being will wait for me to tell their stories. That is the fun part. I have spent time working on the last minute details of the cover and interior of Jasper’s Road and I believe it will go to print very soon. I am looking forward to holding the third book in my Walton Lake series in my hands and offering it up to readers . I return to the Kingston Farmer’s market on May 7th and am excited to be with my fellow vendors again and to meet new and loyal readers. I hope to be able to have Jasper’s Road on the table by June. The anticipation of that does charge my battery. Spending time with friends and family does too and I have enjoyed both in the last while. The 82 Moms had a two night Road Trip and it was wonderful. We talked , laughed, walked , played games and ate. We ate a lot making up for the two years we didn’t meet monthly. We pretty much brought two years of food to one trip and did our best to savor it all. Coming back afterwards to where I’d left my vehicle I found that my battery was dead. My Rav has been very dependable and I did not like the feeling of not being able to just jump in and drive away. I was given a boost and on Monday was able to get it to the dealer and get a new battery put in which was an easy fix and not deserving of all the fretting and worrying I did over it. Afterwards I gave myself a firm talking to and maybe little by little I am learning to not get so bothered by such things. My battery needs full charge to take on the months ahead that are presenting huge changes. One day at a time and one foot in front of the other. As I look ahead I look back as well and feel such gratitude for where I find myself. I am not exactly sure what lies around the bend but I know the sun will rise and shine and set and I will be given the energy and strength I need.
Charging my Battery