It is an absolutely gorgeous morning. July has passed and I am truly grateful for each day it held and all the gifts it offered. Part of me wishes a finger could be snapped to bring everything in to place instantly but that is not the reality of any of this....
What This Day Gave Me
The sun is setting. The cross breeze I feel through the two open windows has only a slight coolness but thankfully this is the least stifling room upstairs. After my evening swim I sat awhile on the front veranda and reflected on this day. It was a hot one. Many...
Time, Seasons , Passages
Time, seasons, passages. I have just come from a beautiful hilltop garden overlooking the river. A Flower service they call it and it takes me back to my childhood when we gathered in Grey's Mills. Tiny Daisy Parks and her tall husband Joe would arrive as would many...
This is The Day
It is a gorgeous July day. The sky a vibrant blue , the clouds fluffy white , the air warm with a perfect breeze. I am where I am on this beautiful day and for that I am grateful. Be in this day I remind myself, be present and allow the gifts of this one day to...
Country Ditches and City Sidewalks
The lupine; a vibrant flower welcoming summer in its bountiful waving splendor, an invasive plant with a bad rep. This purple or pink blossom is both. The lupine fills the country ditches, gets invited into flower beds and pops up along city sidewalks. Today I...
Thank-you Grade Four
A community circle their teacher calls it and I certainly felt like I was welcomed warmly into the community of Mrs. Johnston's Grade Four class at Sussex Elementary School this morning. I quickly tried to put their names to memory and before it fades I will go...