
I Need a Pep Talk

I Need a Pep Talk

Today's blog entry is just for me! Feeling overwhelmed this morning  a memory popped into my head. I am standing in a woodworking shop in Nashwaaksis  holding my nine month old baby waiting to talk to John Brewer about renting his empty farmhouse in Burtt's...

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Happy Book Anniversary!

Happy Book Anniversary!

Copies of the 10th Anniversary Edition of The Year Mrs. Montague Cried arrived today. My debut novel is seeing a second life, a re-issuing, an anniversary edition. How amazing is that! I think back to the moments in a quiet classroom while my grade four students were...

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All Good Things…God Save the King

All Good Things…God Save the King

 ...must come to an end. We know the truth of that saying but that doesn't make it any easier. Endings, changes, saying goodbye and letting go are all hard. This morning I tried to take in every minute, every sound, the slant of the sun , the breathing of our old...

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Labour Day

Labour Day

 All good works...The fruits of our labor. If you love what you do it won't feel like work. I am searching my mind for wisdom about work. All in a day's work. A woman's work is never done. Labour  day used to be such a big day for me. It was the last day of...

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In The Thick of IT

In The Thick of IT

 I just read back  an entry in which I was reflecting on the relaxing days of July and then went on to read about the challenge of facing August. Right on schedule I would say but in a mess never the less. This purging is hard. It is laborious, time...

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Double Digits Of August

Double Digits Of August

 Twelve years ago yesterday I got a call from the president of the Writer's Federation of Nova Scotia to inform me of the results of my efforts  entering the  Young Adult category of  what was then called the Atlantic Writing Competition. I...

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