
Just One Day

The calendar selects one day a year to celebrate mothers. Advertising and society push us toward cards, flowers, gifts, meals and all that to celebrate mothers . That is all well and good and one can choose how to embrace the sentiment but the truth of it is Mother's...

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Back From Britain

This time last year, this time last week, this time the week before... I can often be heard saying such things. I do find myself thinking what I was doing this time last week, last month and last year. It always amazes me how quickly time passes. In late December I...

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Remembering Always

He was 20. In a dream last night I was sitting somewhere with Zac's friend Crystal.Conversation swirled around me and it seemed to be a series of inaccurate statements about my son's death. I do not recall them all but basically no one was getting the details right. I...

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The Joy of Writing

The Joy of Writing

I have stated many times how thankful I am for the time and inclination to write. During the years I spent teaching and raising a family I clung to the dream of being an author. I tried to squeeze writing in to those busy years and while keeping the dream alive I...

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And Suddenly it is Spring

And Suddenly it is Spring

The sun is streaming though my office window this morning and I feel the heat of it. Our yard is muddy and all the snow has melted off our roof. Snow banks are dwindling and the air feels so different. These are familiar signs of the season change that welcomes...

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To Beat the Cold

On this cold February morning sunshine is streaming in my office window. Yesterday's snow covered the ice and I am a bit reluctant to step outside. So for now I will stay in and think ahead to warmer days. I have so much to look forward to. This week came with...

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