
What April Is

What April Is

It is a beautiful April day. The sun is shining and I feel optimism and hope. Today I am filled with contentment , happiness and gratitude. I look to the future with confidence as exciting changes and plans are being  thought through and worked out offering vison...

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My Oxygen Mask

My Oxygen Mask

 Who forgets to breathe? No-one. We live so therefore, we breathe. The breath of life is something we take for granted unless of course something impedes our breathing. We think about our breathing the most if for some reason we are having trouble breathing. My...

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Spring is Upon Us

Spring is Upon Us

 I feel the tug of Spring. Ice flows in the river, depleting snowbanks, muddy driveways and yards, longer days and warm rays of sunshine are but a few. We look behind and ahead. Memories of deep snow and bitter cold make way for thoughts of crocuses and forsythia...

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A Monday in March

A Monday in March

 I am happy to be sitting at my desk on another Monday in March. We are all mindful of the two year mark and recalling what came in March 2020. Two years have flown by one day, one Covid challenge at a time and here we are. Do we know any more than we did on the...

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On These Dark Days

On These Dark Days

 And suddenly mask mandates, trucker convoys and vaccine passports seem so trivial against the backdrop of Russian invasion and a country under attack. In these dark days of winter our attention has shifted to the terrifying reality of suffering and violence...

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Walking Against the Wind

Walking Against the Wind

 I just returned from a brisk ,windy walk. I have been in  my small city space for almost eight months. I came with the deliberate intention of staying for all four seasons. I came  to find  rest, recovery and healing . I walked these city blocks...

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