I laid in bed awhile this morning remembering the morning after twenty years ago. I did not allow myself to stay there , to get stuck in the deep sadness of it but got myself out of bed and into this day. That is the beauty, the gift and the challenge. One day, one foot in front of the other. The only way we have come this far and the only way blessings have unfolded amidst the pain. So today I look to the rest of April’s days and the coming of May. I look ahead to many exciting and happy things that will surface and move us along. I await book number eight and am so thankful for my work. May has many writing related events and I look forward to participating and being present in them. June will bring summer and our girls. Trees will bud and blossoms will bloom. Flood waters will peak and wane. The force of all life brings will continue and we will flow along with it.
And on We Go