I asked for it. A few entries ago I was lamenting the ice cover and the lack of snow. Well we have snow now. Today is the fifth storm day I believe and a storm it is! Southern New Brunswick and most of Nova Scotia are closed for the day. My office window is closing in as the snow billows and falls . I will try later to trudge through the field a bit wearing my snowshoes. My Rav 4 is quickly becoming buried. Be careful what you wish for you say. Well I love the snow. Even the record breaking snowfall of 2015 didn’t really bother me. I realize that is because I can stay home in my warm house and let the snow pile up around me. But really whether you like it or not it is falling. This is winter. Spring will come and these days will become stories we tell. Today as long as the power stays on I will enjoy the comfort of my office and keep writing. We will shovel out. Our driveway will get plowed. For those that must travel, stay safe. For those that must work to clear our roads, stay safe and thankyou!
And Now the Snow