I love Monday mornings! I have said this before and I realize not everyone shares that feeling. On Monday mornings from September to May I am in my office writing, if nothing else comes up to take me away. This morning will be my last writing day of March and I am reluctant to let March go even though warmer weather will be welcome. When I get back from Meg’s I will have some writing days in April squeezed in with wedding preparation and celebration. I will also celebrate the launch of The Memory Chair. We will face the challenge that April presents as we come to the end of another year without Zac. We will celebrate Meg and Ashlie’s birthdays. I am anxious to get to work this morning as yesterday’s writing left me eager to keep going . This morning when I checked my e-mail there was an e-mail from the teacher that had invited me to Beaconsfield Middle School. She had attached comments from some of the Grade Eight students. What a wonderful gift on this cold and blustery day. I printed off the page and a half of their comments and I will carry their kind words with me when I go to Ottawa for my tour in May. If my presentations there elicit even a fraction of the thoughtful and empowering remarks they gifted to me I will be pleased. Their remarks will be the boost I need to get me through the busy and draining days of the tour. How could lines like these not lift anyone’s spirit and keep them going? ” Susan White was very straightforward and nice.” Susan White was funny and I’m glad she is making another book.” I really like the blend of fiction and real life events.” “I loved to listen to her read.” ” Each chapter really connected to each other, each made you want to hop into the book.”” Ten Thousand Truths was one of the deepest book I have ever read.” “I enjoyed the fact that she didn’t spoil her books while talking about them.” ” I am excited that there is going to be a sequel to Ten Thousand Truths.” I am excited about that too. So on this Monday morning I am going to get back to Rachel, Amelia, Jodie , Zac and Raymond and find out as I write, what the next part of their story will be.
A Monday Morning Gift